“Street Law” Chapter 3

August 21, 2023

Chapter 3 of “Street Law: A Course in Practical Law” by Glencoe delves into the U.S. legal system. This chapter is aimed at providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the structure and functioning of the legal system in the United States.

The chapter begins by exploring the historical origins of the U.S. legal system, tracing its roots to English common law and the principles that have shaped American jurisprudence. It then goes on to discuss the federal and state court systems, highlighting the distinctions between them and how they interact. This includes an overview of the different levels of courts, from trial courts to appellate courts, and how cases move through these levels.

One significant aspect covered in this chapter is the roles of judges and juries in the legal process. It explains how judges preside over court proceedings, interpret the law, and ensure a fair trial. Juries are introduced as a vital component of the legal system, particularly in criminal cases, where a group of peers is responsible for determining the defendant’s guilt or innocence based on the evidence presented.

The concept of jurisdiction is another key topic explored in Chapter 3. Jurisdiction refers to a court’s authority to hear and decide a case. The chapter outlines the different types of jurisdiction, including personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction, and how they impact the court’s ability to handle specific cases.

In essence, Chapter 3 serves as a foundational guide to the U.S. legal system, equipping readers with essential knowledge about how the system is structured, the roles of various participants, and the processes that cases undergo within the framework of the American legal system.