
August 31, 2022

Today I worked out of my Essential Math Skills workbook. the lesson today was about estimation and mental math. For the problems that it had me doing I had to estimate the answers and pick the most suitable answer based off of my own mental math.


August 31, 2022

becoming organized as a territory on May 11, 1912. It was admitted as the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. Juneau, city and borough, capital (since 1906) of Alaska. Everyone knows that Alaska is massive, At 663,300 square miles. The state is bordered by Canada on the east, the Beaufort Sea and the Arctic Ocean in …


August 30, 2022

On grammar today I was working out of my Grammar and Language Workbook on lesson 7 “Verb Phrases”. The lesson was describing helping verbs and how a verb phrase is made up of the main verb and auxiliary verbs also known as helping verbs.


August 30, 2022

Vocabulary today was extraordinarily short today. I did Chapter 15 Lesson 3. This lesson had me pick out the pre-selected vocabulary word that best completed the 5 given sentences. I could only use the vocabulary words once.


August 30, 2022

Virginia was founded on June 25, 1788. Virginia was initially founded by a group of wealthy London businessmen. Richmond is Virginia’s current capital although the capital was Jamestown for about 92 years. 42,775 mi² and is ranked 35th in terms of size. Virginia is bordered by Maryland to the northeast, the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast, North …

Geography plan

August 30, 2022

when was it founded?Capital. Has it ever changed?How big is the stateWhat is the state bordering Population electoral votes.voter IDUrban%Rural% Average household incomeHomeschooling?HuntingFirearmsConcealed carry Economy AgricultureIndustryManufacturingMain highway/interstateState personal tax?Property tax?Automotive tax?GDP% US GDP Trivia Name a famous person from this state/territory and write a paragraph about him or her. Links

DC vs AC

August 29, 2022

In direct current, the voltage is always constant, and the electricity flows in a certain direction. In contrast, in alternating current, the voltage periodically changes from positive to negative and from negative to positive, and the direction of the current also periodically changes accordingly.


August 29, 2022

I did lesson 6 of my Grammar and Language Workbook. The lesson was about linking verbs like am, is, are, was, or were.

US Political Party’s

August 29, 2022

American Nazi Party., National Renaissance Party White Patriot Party, Youth International Party The American Nazi Party (ANP) is an American independent neo-Nazi political party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.  No Rockwell founded the organization as the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (WUFENS) but renamed it the American Nazi Party in 1960.[1] Since the …


August 29, 2022

I worked out of Ultimate Guide to the Math Act Today. I did lesson 2.3 (Order of operations and scientific notation). The lesson was teaching about PEMDAS which is parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.