Introducing Sandra and SK Web Design

Sandra King and Sarah Lynn Redding (sisters) work together to build websites and take care of business internet technology needs. We have been working with internet based technology and website design since 1998. Over the years we have helped OnLine Training, Inc. and other companies large and small to build and maintain an internet presence.
Of course as with all contractors and all companies, we can only do as much as we are given permission by each company, and each company will have their own philosophies, goals, and needs which will help to shape their website.
Some websites that we have recently worked with are:
- Florida Real Estate School which is a site almost completely run through their e-commerce program (Open Cart) which we modified to allow enrollments directly into their online courses and their online courses (link goes to a demo course) using SCORM in a E-Learning program called Moodle.
- OnLine Training, Inc., where we manage their Moodle installation which holds their online courses, have installed an online database driven helpdesk, (which allows the tracking and management of service help requests whether they come in by phone, email or through the online app.) and and what they call their Enrollment Center, which is a heavily modified version of OpenCart that takes student registrations and manages authentication and enrollments of their students whether they register directly with OLT (OnLine Training) or one of their many online partners (Colleges which offer OLT courses) or resellers (companies who sell OLT courses) and affiliates (websites which link to OLT products and receive a commission from referred sales).
Please contact us and let us know how we can help you with your Website needs.