1 World Literature: (2 Semesters) –
Read and summarize the Preface of Norton Anthology and then read and describe 2 stories per week from 1 of the two books. (Total of 36 stories this school year.)
• 100 Great Stories, Selections from Poe, London, Twain Melville, Kipling, Dickens, Joyce, and many more.
• The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volume D
2 Writing and Telling Stories (speech & writing). (2 Semesters)-
• Storyworthy (Engage, Teach, Persuade and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling) by Mathew Dicks. — – Read the book, give the highlights of two chapters a week, and write at least 4 stories following the instructions in the course.
A Student’s Guide to Grammar Punctuation and Style – Read two sections per week, complete the exercise in the book, and then write about what you learned.
3 Financial Planning (2 Semesters) –
Read at least one chapter per week as assigned, summarize what you learned, and make a plan for how to implement their advice (or tell why you think their advice is wrong.)
• Living Trusts
4. Gardening and horticulture. (1 Semester)-
Read at least one gardening book per quarter implementing some of the instructions in your test garden For each book outline, or summarize the book by section, sharing any interesting ideas suggested.
• Electroculture for Beginners
5. Electricity and Magnetism course (1 Semester)-
Read and summarize each section of the assigned book. Perform and explain the experiments or explain why you couldn’t – You will need to look up the requirements for experiments at least a week in advance in some cases so that we can source materials.
• A Kitchen Course in Electricity.
6. Street Law a Course in Practical Law by Glencoe- (2 Semesters) –
Complete two chapters in the book per week until the ninth week, summarize what that chapter teaches, and respond to all questions and ‘problems.’
7. Geometry by Saxon Math –(2 Semesters)-
For the first six weeks do two lessons a day and then do one, copying out all Postulates and Theorems and answering at least 50% of all lessons and quizzes/tests.
8. World History by Pearson –(2 Semesters) –
Complete the textbook answering all Assessments and questions. Write 4 papers describing portions of history, or the history of various parts of the world, at least one paper should compare and contrast two cultures. Read one and a half for the first six weeks and then read one