
November 4, 2022

After drafting four constitutions, Kansas eventually entered the Union as a free state on January 29, 1861when Kansas became a state in 1861, Topeka was named the official capital.Kansas is 82,278 mi²The state borders Nebraska to the north, Missouri to the east, Oklahoma to the south, and Colorado to the west. Population Kansas has six electoral votes  74.20% …

Daily Plan 11-1-22

November 1, 2022

Computer Lit 3 weeks .completed personal finance 3 weeks .completed math 1 day .completed

Switching to Seton

October 26, 2022

As of Oct. 25, 2022 we have switched from the curricula I designed for this year to Seton Home School Curricula. We did this for a couple of reasons: Airon wanted to see an actual report card for the end of his Senior year, and Ryon wants to attend public school next year. It has …


October 14, 2022

It was founded on December 29, 1845Austin is the capital of TexasTexas is 268,597 square milesTexas shares its border with the four US states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico. Population Texas has 38 electoral votes 85% of texas is Urban15% of texas is Rural The average household income in Texas is $63,826In most …

Ryon’s daily plan 10-14-22

October 14, 2022

Geography. Texas Forensic Science page 124 to 129 Grammar and Language page 61 algebra page 33b

Ryon,s daily plan 10-12-22

October 12, 2022

Geography. Texas Forensic Science page 113 to 120 Grammar and Language page 60 algebra page 33b

Ryon’s daily plan 10-7-22

October 7, 2022

Geography. Texas algebra 1. page B33 Forensic Science page 106 to 112 Grammar and Language page 59

Ryon’s Daily Work 10-6-22

October 6, 2022

Geography. Texas algebra 1. page B27 Forensic Science page 95 to 100 Grammar and Language page 57


October 5, 2022

Tennessee was founded on June 1, 1796. Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. Tennessee is 42,180 mi². Kentucky and Virginia border Tennessee in the north, North Carolina in the east, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi in the south, and Arkansas and Missouri in the west. Population Tennessee has 11 electoral votes. Tennessee is 93% rural and 7% …

Ryon’s Daily Plan 10-5-2022

October 5, 2022

Geography. Tennessee algebra 1. page B27 Forensic Science page 88 to 95 Grammar and Language page 57