The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

November 3, 2023

“The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is a humorous short story by Mark Twain. It revolves around a man named Smiley, who is known for his knack for training animals. Smiley discovers a remarkable frog named Dan’l Webster, which he trains to jump impressively high. He uses Dan’l Webster to win bets in frog-jumping …

Crimes Against the Person

October 27, 2023

“Crimes Against the Person” is a legal category that encompasses various offenses involving harm, threats, or violence directed at individuals. These crimes typically involve actions that cause physical or psychological harm to another person. Specific crimes against the person can include assault, battery, homicide, sexual assault, and other violent or threatening acts.

The principle of But and Therefore

October 27, 2023

Matthew Dicks, a storyteller and author, advocates for the “Principle of But and Therefore” as a storytelling technique. This principle encourages storytellers to structure their narratives in a way that maintains engagement and progression. Here’s a brief summary: The “Principle of But and Therefore” suggests that in storytelling, each plot development should be connected using …

Cinema of the Mind

October 27, 2023

“Cinema of the Mind,” also known as “Where the Hell Are You” by Matthew Dicks, is a short story that explores the concept of imagination and perception. In the story, the protagonist is sitting in a park and observes people passing by. As he observes them, he creates elaborate and imaginative backstories for each person …

A Jersey Centenarian

October 27, 2023

“A Jersey Centenarian” by Bret Harte is a short story centered around the character of Jeremiah Ingraham, a man who has reached the remarkable age of one hundred years. The story is a character-driven narrative, offering insight into the wisdom and experiences of this elderly figure. Jeremiah Ingraham, who hails from New Jersey, is a …

The Luck of Roaring Camp

October 27, 2023

“The Luck of Roaring Camp” is a short story set in a rugged mining camp, known as Roaring Camp, in the California goldfields. The camp is populated by rough and lawless miners who live hard and unforgiving lives. Their existence is marked by violence, gambling, and an absence of women and children. The narrative takes …

You Do Not Need a Trust If

October 16, 2023

“You Do Not Need a Trust If” is a chapter that offers insights and guidance on estate planning and financial matters.  The chapter challenges the conventional wisdom that trusts are always essential in estate planning. Ronald Farrington Sharp suggests that there are alternative methods for managing assets and planning for the future that may be …

Cinema of the Mind

October 16, 2023

“Cinema of the Mind” by Matthew Dicks is a guidebook on the art of storytelling. It provides insights and techniques for crafting engaging and memorable stories. Dicks emphasizes the power of imagination and encourages readers to develop their storytelling skills. The book offers practical advice and exercises to help individuals become better storytellers, whether it’s …

The Pope’s Mule

October 16, 2023

“The Pope’s Mule” by Alphonse Daudet is a short story set in a small French village. It revolves around the local priest and his stubborn mule, who is surprisingly favored by the Pope. The mule’s unexpected papal blessing causes tension and rivalry among the villagers. It highlights human nature’s tendency to become envious and competitive …

The Cold Embrace

October 16, 2023

“The Cold Embrace” is a short story written by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. It tells the haunting tale of a man named Mark whose deceased fiancée, Lucy, seems to return from the grave to visit him at night. The story explores themes of love, guilt, and the supernatural. Mark grapples with the eerie and mysterious appearance …